There are three different types of apartment in the Hartmannstrasse dormitory. Single, double and group apartments.
A single apartment is a room with kitchenette and separate bathroom with running hot and cold water. One double apartment has a separate kitchen in the entrance area and a bathroom for two occupants each. Group apartments are colloquially called “WG’s” because they have a large kitchen and separate bathroom/toilet.

Corresponding information on current prices can be found on the website of the Studierendenwerks Erlangen-Nürnberg.
The apartments are rented exclusively by the Studierendenwerk.
The director and the self-administration of the dormitory have no influence on the allocation of dormitory places.
Thus, an application can only be made via the Wohnservice Erlangen of the Studentenwerk.
If you start to study, have a look here: Tips for new Students
You can always ask the people from the WohnService Erlangen » Studierendenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg (